Our address
9 Mendeleevskaya Street, Saint-Petersburg, 194044, "Jook Lum".
Phone: +7 921 318-53-29
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
How to Find Us?
1. By car (the green line): the entrance from Mendeleevskaya street 9, under the barrier, right between the business center and the company manufacturing plastic containers, turn to the right, then to the left, near to the printing-office “Lyubavich” (not calling on the parking lot of the printing-office – there is no drive through) to go around the building along the perimeter. The entrance from the far corner, the 4th floor.
2. By foot (the red line): the metro station Vyborgskaya, the exit from the underground passage to Chugunnaya Street, further down Mendeleevskaya Street, directly to the business center “Mendeleevsky”, the entrance under the barrier, turn to the left, along the building, then to the right, go through the parking lot, the entrance from the far corner, the 4th floor.